TRADEX, the Tracking and Discrimination Experiment,
is the original major sensor in a program to develop
a ballistic missile radar signature data base. The
radar became operational at the Reagan Test Site (Kwajalein
Atoll) in 1963 as a UHF tracker and and L-band illuminator.
The radar was modified to add a VHF capability; this
remained its configuration until 1970, when the system
was modified and the antenna rebuilt to support coherent
operation at L-band and S-band. The system remains
an L-band tracker and S-band illuminator.
TRADEX is a high-sensitivity, wide bandwidth coherent
instrumentation and tracking radar. TRADEX supports
many operating modes, including full range and angle
tracking and signature collection at L-band and range-only
track with signature collection at S-band. Target
resolution at L-band is 15 meters; at S-band, target
resolution is nominally 5.5 meters.